Fall 2018 Campaign
by OneCreative
TV Draft Versions
Modified 8-22-18
Theater Spots
Finished Versions
Modified 8-17-18
TV Ads
Finished Tv Versions
Modified 8-9-18
Outdoor BULLETINS (Printed)
Updated 6-8-18 – I-25 and HWY 599. Between Albuquerque & Santa Fe.
Outdoor Posters (Digital)
Updated 7-31-18
Albuquerque Metro Digital Rotator – 2 different pieces of art
Billboard Glance & View Simulation
To help us gauge the readability and effectiveness of outdoor billboard art we use a “1 second glance test”. A single second is the time of a glance, at which time a person determines if they will read the billboard further.
If they do choose to read it, we estimate it will be viewed for 4-5 seconds.
(Note: This is best viewed by a person who hasn’t seen the art before)
KOAT Digital Ads. Rotate position throughout the site.
YouTube PreRoll
20 second versions. Ending slightly modified from 15 sec broadcast versions with “join the cause” text.
Draft audio Mixes, 8-22-18.
(Bicycle music is still in draft form)
Social Media Videos
20 second versions. Ending slightly modified from 15 sec broadcast versions with “join the cause” text.
Draft audio Mixes, 8-22-18.
Media Plan
Updated 7-31-18 (In progress)
Regional televison August-October 2018:
Weekday Morning news/balloon fiesta
Weekend morning news/balloon fiesta
Weekday 6pm local news
Weekday 5:30 national news
Weekday Today Show AM
Waiting on Chile Challenge sponsorship possibility August 13-September 14. Which would include sponsorship and spot package.
Comcast Cable
Waiting for package but will include Statewide:
Food Network
Fox News
YouTube Preroll
Currently waiting on prices
Statewide Theater Preroll
Currently waiting on prices